FREE Hot Water from the Sun !
Installing clean, renewable solar hot water is one of the simplest ways to dramatically cut your carbon emissions and contribute to a sustainable future. By using the natural power of the sun, a solar hot water system can benefit homes and businesses with long-term savings for years after installation. Solar hot water systems significantly reduce energy consumption and subsequently Carbon emissions.
Take Advantage Of Government Financial Incentives
Small-scale Technology Certificates (STCs) are a financial incentive to encourage the installation of solar and heat pump water heaters under a federal government operated scheme. STCs are available for solar and heat pump installations in every state of Australia.

Roof Mounted
Designed for Victorian conditions of occasional frost or snow. The Rheem 52H series uses highly efficient heat transferring properties of a special anti-freeze fluid to transfer the absorbed energy to heat the water indirectly. With an ‘indirect system’ water does not pass through the collector panels, therefore removing the risk of water freezing, expanding and damaging the system.
Low maintenance – with no electronics or pumps required to circulate the water, 52H will reliably produce efficient hot water day in and day out, in any weather extreme.

- Tank: Stainless Steel
- Warranty: 7 or 10 years
- Climatic: Complete Frost Protection
- Capacity: 180lt or 300lt
- Options: 4 Colorbond®Colours
- Interest Free options available

Ground Mounted
Designed for Victorian conditions of occasional frost or snow – the Rheem Premier® Loline incorporates Drain Back heat exchange technology to maximize solar gain and protect against all weather extremes. The Premier Loline replaces water in the collectors with a special heat exchange fluid with anti-freeze properties. The design is both safe and efficient, as fluid drains out of the collectors to prevent freezing and heat loss in cold conditions, and overheating in hot climates.

- Tank: Vitreous Enamel
- Warranty: 5 years
- Climatic: Premium Frost protection for high frost areas, or standard frost protection available
- Capacity: 270lt, 325lt and 410lt
- Gas or Electric Booster Available
- Interest Free options available