Electricity Prices Continue to Rise!
In 2016 the AEMC (Australian Electricity Market Commission) Report revealed that electricity prices are forecast to continue to rise.
Australians can’t get enough of rooftop solar installation!
After a record year in 2017, for both large-scale commercial renewable energy and small-scale domestic rooftop solar power, Australians can’t get enough of rooftop solar installation. New figures confirm that Australia is on track to meet the Renewable Energy Target With over 1.8 million rooftop PV systems installed, eclipsing previous records from 2012.
Source : cleanenergycouncil.org.au/cleanenergyasutralia
In 2016, small-scale solar was responsible for 16.0 per cent of Australia’s clean energy generation and produced 2.8 per cent of the country’s total electricity. A huge increase over previous years!